Lucky A Hospital Was Nearby

A brake check and yell of abuse from this air condition repair man. Hopefully he can learn to keep his cool.

Dangerous overtake of bike and car

Due to the oncoming traffic a car couln’t overtake – the car driver behind is very impatient and overtakes dangerously.

Am I transparent?

I was driving straight ahead in daylight. My traffic light was green…

huge ute rage

Unnecessary closed pass

Unnecessary closed pass made by motorbike taxi

Drifting from the bike lane dangers

Riders behind failed to realise a car turning left was on the left of them while they were in the bike lane going straight ahead. A squeal of breaks and I found the footage later.

Coming straight towards me

I was riding along on the left hand side of the road when an idiot on an electric bike turned into the street I was on. He was riding on the wrong side of the road and with no care road straight towards me. I had to give way for him and let him pass on the left hand side of me.

Look Ma – No Hands

Riding along the Comber Greenway near Belfast I tried overtaking a lad on a bike who was riding with his hands off the handle bars. This circus act might be OK in an open space, but with walkers and other riders around it was just stupid. The rider drifted towards me as I started to pass. It’s amazing how he seemed to start using the bars again afterwards! [forgot to sync the time after DST came into effect over night]

Cyclist not indicating and almost getting hit

Mum and child on bike

Near miss with Mum on a cargo bike with child on back decides to run Red light totally oblivious to anything around her.
Then complains when she catches up to me that she did not appreciate being yelled at.
Tough Sh*t, RED light means Stop.