Near miss for a large gophersnake as the weekly race pack goes through. Vid slowed 50%, and then again to get a better glimpse.

Trimmed to only 12 seconds. Seagull on road ahead of approaching group, takes off too late and bounces off a rider and between bikes.

Deer ran along side me then ran up bank and fell into road before recovering to almost take out my friend behind. Much scarier at speed.

Pull off from a set of lights when two smaller birds we chasing a magpie directly at me. The banked and missed me at the last second!

I was riding on a multi-use path and surprised and almost hit a white-tail deer.

Every year around August to September the Australian magpie bird defends its nest ferociously from any potential threat. For some unknown reason cyclists are seen as their main threat! They generally attack from behind from a position of advantage, usually a gum tree without their ‘prey’ being aware that they’re even there. Look at the from the time 7.28.51 on the 23rd August 2019 and you’ll see him (usually males) begin his stealth mode approach. He reaches street level so to confuse and camouflage before his attack. They are known to draw blood (ears are a favourite target) and on occasion cause visual injury.

I encountered a very aggressive pit bull on a ride. I hit the dog solidly, but managed to stay on the bike. Front view shows the dog attacking and me being jarred sideways from the impact. The rear view shows I hit the dog hard enough to throw him off the road, yet he and another continued to chase for nearly 10 seconds.

Magpie attack on three run troughs of the attack zone. The time zone of interest runs from 3 min 35 sec to about 4 min 45 seconds. Fly 6 was strapped to helmet.

Magpie attack with 3 runs through the attack zone just for fun. This is my favorite Canberra magpie this spring. Attack sections have been clipped and edited together.

I was riding along Gorge Road towards Athelstone, South Australia. If you look to the left you will see a large brown snake falling from a cutting, closely followed by a second brown snake.
May need to slow the video down to see the snakes clearly.