Roundabout of Death once again

Hamburg, Germany

14 May, 2022 - 3 years ago - on Klosterstern

There are many close calls at this roundabout: The bike lane is the outer lane, and vehicles drive on the inner one. So when vehicles exit, they have to cross the bike lane - and many do so without taking any care - admittedly, as it's all curved bikes are quite hard to see from the driver's seat. It's a really bad design and potentially deadly combination.

I use this roundabout frequently and am always prepared to slam the brakes - so I was this time, which prevented me from getting under the wheels.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
14/05/2022 06:50PM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Klosterstern 67, 20149 Hamburg, Germany