Ottawa – Was this deliberate?

4 years ago...more

Apologizes - I did not have the Cycliq banner turned on. This was taken with a Fly 6. Sunday June 21 - 10:00 am. Road is quiet. Truck comes up behind and crosses the double line towards me. Most drivers would move to the other lane. No one else near this driver. Deliberate? Looking at the phone?  I say deliberate.  Fly 6 helped me identify the type of vehicle and license. Ottawa Police issued a warning letter "Yes the registered owner of the involved vehicle was issued a formal letter from Ottawa Police. That caution remains on file with us so that if others also complain about that particular driver we can refer to the history."

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
21/06/2020 10:00AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
West Hunt Club Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 1A2, Canada