
1 year ago...more

Typical dangerous incident at this blind humpbacked bridge which is followed by a right bend-the offences are common because of the refusal of Lancashire Constabulary to take any action to discourage them. I was travelling at 20 mph (mid-lane as a slight protection) when I heard the Vito coming up fast behind me (40-50 in a 30 limit) and across the unbroken white line. He swerved right across in front of me to avoid collision with oncoming black Mini PL13 KAA, and had to brake sharply because of the right bend on the bridge. There will be no response from Lancashire Constabulary, despite me having to write below 'waiting on outcome', because there never is any response to offences against cyclists here. Time on the video is GMT.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
14/07/2023 02:52PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Garstang Road, Catterall, Preston, PR3 1GQ, United Kingdom