Lucy the Fast Dog

5 years ago...more

This is not an off leash area - it is War Memorial Park in Washington State about 6 miles from my home in Gig Harbor across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. This is considered part of Scott Pierson Trail, a shared use non motorized path.   When I saw the man and the dog, I called out "good morning" and then "Hi" to warn them I was coming up behind them. Dog ran very quickly in front of me, but I was able to stop in time. Dog must have been freaked out and reacted by barking and then very quickly nipping at my ankle. Tore my tights but skin unbroken.  I exchanged information with the owner - also captured by the camera but edited out - and I hope he makes good on his promise to send me a check so I can buy a replacement pair of pants.  This could have been a lot worse  - grateful she didn't go for a bite of my a$$.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
11/03/2020 09:15AM
Incident type
Animal encounter
Location of incident
War Memorial Park, 624 N Meyers St, Tacoma, Washington 98406, United States