Garbage truck almost crushes cyclist in front of me against parked car

10 years ago in Sydney, Australia

I sent this to what was then the Leichhardt Council, and asked them to take it up with their rubbish contractor - UPM. I also reported it to the Glebe Police station. The police said they couldn't take it any further because UPM was unable to identify the driver. Really? They don't have shift assignment sheets and log books?

The cyclist and myself both had words with the driver at the next set of lights. The driver claimed he had "right of way", that it was a 2 lane road, and the cyclist was supposed to give way to him - whatever that meant.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
09/04/2015 07:12AM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
b Lilyfield Road, Lilyfield New South Wales 2040, Australia