
2 months ago...more

Passing a traffic light at red, which had turned red long before the offence was committed, by the driver of Range Rover FH16 VFA who accelerated so hard that he had to apply the brakes before reaching the crest of the blind humpbacked canal bridge. The lights were there because of roadworks on the right lane at the crest of the bridge, which meant that any oncoming traffic coming on green would by on [my] the left side of the road. Time on the video is GMT. I know from long experience that Lancashire Constabulary will ignore this offence, in this paradise for offending drivers.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
06/08/2024 06:44PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Bonds Lane, Bonds, Preston, PR3 1ZB, United Kingdom