Driver tries to illegally pass me on the right (using the bike lane to pass me) while I am taking a left turn and trying to get into the bike lane

3 years ago...more

While riding my bike and turning from Southbound Jackass Hill Road to Eastbound Mineral at just after 15:32 I had a driver make a dangerous and illegal pass on my right side that almost hit me as I was turning and attempting to enter the bike lane. The driver was driving a white VIBE with plate number BYV-Y70. A video of this event that captures the car, plate, and even a picture of the drivers face can be seen at the following address:

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
09/12/2021 03:32PM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
West Mineral Avenue, Littleton, Colorado 80120, United States