
Preston, United Kingdom

14 Mar, 2025 - 2 weeks ago - on Garstang Road

A really terrifying close pass! The driver had already crossed the single unbroken white line before this blind humped bridge (these lines are there for a reason!) immediately followed by a right bend, but continued on the wrong side of the road and crossed the double white lines almost up to the crest of the bridge. Then he pulled left close in front of me while braking, and there's a fear-induced single four-letter word from me. The driver then pulls right into the village hall car park 100 yards later. These offences will, as always, be ignored by the police

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
14/03/2025 07:40PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Garstang Road, Catterall, Preston, PR3 1XN, United Kingdom