Do bikes have right of way on roundabout- not with some car drivers

1 year ago...more

About 5:40am on 9 August 2023. On proceeding through the roundabout at Bauer and See Streets, Bargara, Queensland I saw a vehicle approaching on Bauer street to my left. I was travelling straight ahead on See Street. I was almost through the roundabout and about to continue straight ahead, on See Street, when I realised the car was not slowing and appeared that the female driver was intent on taking the right of way from me. I slowed almost to a stop and she turned left blocking my path and I then continued on falling in behind her as was my intended path. Had I not saw and took the action I did I have no doubt we would have collided. We ride early morning so as not to be on the road during the day as a curtsey to other vehicles unfortunately it is not always appreciated.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
09/08/2023 05:40AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Mini Roundabout, Bargara Queensland 4670, Australia