Commercial Driver for comes way too close, especially considering his mirrors/

3 years ago...more

Driver comes way too close blatantly disobeying Colorado's three-foot law. Has been reported to both the County Sheriff and local police department and waiting to hear back. Also found out this tidbit. For commercial vehicles you can report them to USDOT: You can report any unsafe driving behaviors to the FMCSA by calling the Department of Transportation's Complaint Hotline at 888-368-7238 or 1-888-DOT-SAFT. You can also file a complaint online on the FMCSA's National Consumer Complaint Database (NCCDB) website. I will be following up with them since I have not only the license plate, the video but also a picture of the driver and his USDOT number from the side of his truck. Unfortunately, I didn't also get a picture of him flipping me off when I told him what he did was dangerous, that would have been great with the USDOT number so clearly in view.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
29/04/2021 02:54PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
East Lincoln Avenue, Lone Tree, Colorado 80124, United States