Car creeps in on me at red light

2 years ago in Armonk, United States

While waiting in a track stand at a red light (as I always do), a Hyundai driver stopped behind me. Initially this driver waited appropriate distance and behind the white line, but before the light changed, this person decided to creep in on my rear wheel within 6" of me. This was illegal as it was behind the white line, and it was completely unsafe for me as they could have either hit me, or run over me had I fallen over (I never fall in TS)... or just made a mistake and let off the brake too fast upon the light changing.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
25/05/2023 05:26PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Whippoorwill Road East, Armonk, New York 10504, United States