Brake check

Perth, Australia

8 May, 2021 - 4 years ago - on Walter Road West

Apparently unmotivated (at least as far as we could determine in the cafe) a driver in 4WD with trailer decided to closely pass the group and stop in the left lane of Walter Rd W. Passenger leaned out and yelled abuse/flashed the finger. Driver got out and did similar ("don't pay rego, some of us have tow work" etc). The group passed the stopped car with riders exchanging pleasantries but no physical issues. As we turned south onto Coode St car had caught up and continued along Walter Rd W while blowing horn, so its unlikely the car was actually attempting to turn left or park on Walter Rd W. (Thankfully we were not followed down Coode St!)

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
08/05/2021 08:29AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Walter Road West, Morley Western Australia 6062, Australia