Aggressor Two for One

1 year ago...more

Traveling eastbound on Mountainview Road at about 22 MPH, following two cyclists. Very popular cycling route that everyone in the area knows about. A white Chevy SUV barrels to the stop sign on 122nd Place. You can see him coming. Stops since the two riders in front of me were at the intersection. But then, they decide to gun it into the gap between us! NOT ENOUGH ROOM! You can see he almost puts me in the ditch by my shadow. Not only that, but he cut off an eastbound cyclist, as well, then couldn't move left out of the way because other cyclists were on the road. Thankful I didn't get slammed.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
22/04/2023 08:40AM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
North 122nd Place, Scottsdale, Arizona 85259, United States