201217_bike crash in Zürich /Switzerland

3 years ago...more

riding the bike to work on Zürich, Seebahnstrasse /BP gas station direction Lochergut. left side car jam from trafficlight to trafficlight. A car passes me, brakes down to stop and gives a person from the opposite lane signal to cross the road in order to reach the gas station on my side. The person accelerates without being cautious whether there might be somebody coming behind the car- bycicles, e-trottinettes or maybe persons on the pedestrians path. The mini hits me, I get thrown through the air landing on my upper head. My helmet brakes all the way through. I get transported in hospital where no heavy injuries are detected. I was really lucky this morning. Bike is 100% broken.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
17/12/2020 07:30AM
Incident type
Location of incident
Seebahnstrasse 109, 8003 Zürich, Switzerland