Close Pass by Red Pick-Up

4 years ago...more

On October 24th, 2020 I was ride leader for a group of nine cyclist. We were nearly halfway through a 60 mile ride when I asked the group into a singled-up formation as the upcoming stretch of road was one lane in each direction, a no passing zone and on a bridge. The bridge is usually infrequently traveled during the time of this ride (Saturday 9AM). I moved back to the sweeper position of the group and ensured the group was aware of passing vehicles by calling them out and ensuring group stayed in the singled-up formation for safety. While crossing the Lake Lavon bridge the red truck at five minutes and 2 seconds passed us so close the extended mirrors almost struck multiple riders. Up to this point several cars had been polite enough to wait until it was safe to cross the double solid yellow line and pass us, but not this truck.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
24/10/2020 09:06AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
East Lucas Road, Princeton, Texas 75407, United States