Driver aggressively (and gratuitously) switches lanes and drives into me

1 year ago...more

It's unclear whether the asinine driver was deliberately menacing me or merely oblivious, but she aggressively switched lanes (with no cars ahead of her in her own lane), and drove right into me. She did not alter her path despite my screams. She committed several infractions here, not least of which would be reckless driving and violating the safe passing law. I caught up to her at the traffic light to film her face, and naturally there was no apology or explanation after nearly killing me, merely clueless incredulity.

*** Note that the reason I was situated toward the center of the lane when filming is because I was avoiding several ugly potholes, as well as aggressive traffic inevitably exiting the spa to the right.***

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
19/06/2023 12:38PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
River Road, Edgewater, New Jersey 07020, United States