Volvo BW23SVT deliberate / incompetent close pass of multiple riders on clear road

2 months ago...more

A group of us - experienced club cyclists - were cycling, spread out in single file, up the hill on the B4081 out of Chipping Campden on a clear road with excellent visibility. I was brightly dressed in a bright red club jersey with bright, flashing front and rear lights on. The Volvo approached me from behind, travelling at some speed, and I didn't hear any attempt to slow down. They passed me exceptionally close, their right hand wheels only just across the white line. They then proceeded to perform another close pass on my wife, who was riding around 20-30m in front of me, and it appeared that they actually steered in towards her as they passed.

Both of us felt incredibly unsafe as a result of the speed and proximity - I could have reached out to touch the car as it passed - and there was much swearing about their competence / intent by all of us at the end of the ride.

I received a prompt response from Gloucestershire Police : "insufficient evidence for us to proceed"


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
10/03/2024 10:38AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
B4081, Chipping Campden, GL55 6UR, United Kingdom