Use your eyes, and your brain!

3 years ago...more

There's a bicycle in the left hand lane. You're behind the bicycle. You're approaching a roundabout. Bike is positioned to the right of the lane, and keeps checking for a gap in traffic. Left hand lane is for the first exit only. First exit is a motorway. Where do you think the bike's going?
With that in mind, and ignoring the signal from the cyclist (which you pretty much did in your desperation to pull out and overtake - notably not indicating yourself), why do you decide to try and overtake the bike when you're going off down the motorway anyway?


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
02/05/2021 12:04PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
A355, Beaconsfield, HP9 2SD, United Kingdom