Oblivious Merc Driver

5 months ago...more

Not a particularly dangerous or aggressive incident. The alley is at the end of one of the cycle paths in Swindon and transitions to normal road. It's nowhere near wide enough for a car and a bike alongside each other. Driver of a silver Mercedes something or other commits to turning into the alley way too early (on the wrong side of the road i.e. the RHS) and well before they can see if their way is clear. After seeing me (I'm assuming that they saw me 'cos they slowed down) they continue the turn despite me not having cleared the junction and forcing me onto the footpath. I made eye contact with the driver and there was nothing... no hand up to say "whoops... sorry", just oblivious.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
08/12/2023 06:22PM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Ferndale Road, Swindon, SN2 1DG, United Kingdom