Close pass on a contra flow cycle lane

2 years ago in Dublin, Ireland

When cautioned, the driver told the Garda that he was very sorry that he was in a contra-flow bus lane (seemingly his GPS sent home that way) However 3 members in the police station were not convinced it was a close pass under Irish law despite the fact that the lane is 3m wide, this type of vehicle is 2.04m wide, and my handlebars are approx 80cm, and I was not in the gutter. They said that the vehicle speed was different in the rear and forward views, and that the driver was a “non-National” with children who was very apologetic.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
24/05/2023 06:00PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Sarsfield Road, Dublin, D08, Ireland