Brake check for no reason

7 months ago...more

A group of us were participating in an organised race. We had slowed a few cars going up a windy hill but they all passed safely when the road was clear... except our friend here. Close passes us, then brake-checks the group... then again but also tries to force us off the road. Incident was reported to police who responded driver has no case to answer and will face no charge. According to the investigating officer, us riders caused the incident by 'riding in the middle of the road' and aggravating the situation by gesticulating in an obscene manner. Apparently this justifies dangerous and illegal use of a motor vehicle by a person.... never mind that the close pass and 1st brake check happened before any 'obscene' gestures were offered.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
17/12/2023 09:00AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Mclaren Flat Road, Mclaren Flat South Australia 5171, Australia