Solid white line madness

3 years ago...more

First one may have made it back across before the solid white, but inexplicably stayed out there almost round the corner.

The second is just madness. He wants to take the next exit so he has several options:
1. Stay behind me, assuming I'm continuing round the corner, for all of 10 seconds and then safely make the turn.
2. Overtake a bike travelling much more than 10mph across a solid white, putting himself on the wrong side of a blind corner, and also in conflict with anyone coming out of the side road.
3. Attempt to overtake a bike travelling much more than 10mph across a solid white until he sees me indicate and then hastily have to back off.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
02/05/2021 12:48PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Penn Road, Beaconsfield, HP9 2TY, United Kingdom