UpRide Story: Ranger Danger

Traffic rules apply to everyone on the road. But when an UpRider encounters a driver pressuring them to break the rules, what do they do? Naturally, they stick to the same road rules that apply to everyone. This driver could use a reminder that patience is a virtue.

Ranger danger - 6 months ago
Why do you record your ride?

Why do you record your ride?

This was a nothing special sunny afternoon ride. I have been recording my rides for years because I’ve had too many friends killed while riding and then, contemptuously, blamed afterwards for the accident. I don’t see why I shouldn’t do what I can to spare my family from that at least.

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?

When do you feel most vulnerable as a cyclist?

Early morning training rides during the Tradie GP hour.

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road?

What do you think are the most important things that can be done to improve safety for cyclists on the road

Treat road deaths with presumptive manslaughter charges and commensurate prison sentences. Ideally motorists would be required to spend at least a month commuting by bicycle before qualifying for a license.

What is your advice for other cyclists?

Did you report your incident? What was the reporting process?

Yes. There’s an on-line process in the ACT that is relatively painless. The advice that I have received from ACT Pol subsequently is that they would be taking action.

What do you think about UpRide?

What do you think about UpRide?

I think it’s a useful resource, potentially, that i wish was used more by other cyclists. It should give transport policy makers and law enforcement agencies pause for thought but at the moment I think that it hugely understates the scale and scope of the problem.

What is your advice for other cyclists?

What is your advice for other cyclists?

Use cameras, know your rights, keep going.

Want to share your story?

Want to share your story?

We’d love to hear from you. If you would like to share your stories and experience as a cyclist please reach out to the UpRide team.

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