There’s always one driver that goes out of their way to close pass you. Even when you’re clearly controlling the lane Moron.

This dangerous driver pulling a trailer made no attempt to give the legally required 1.5m minimum space when overtaking riders on this quiet section of 80km/hr road. Notice however, how much space the driver gives to the oncoming vehicle after passing the riders.

Bay Mini Diggers – I hope he drives the Dingo better than he drives the ute.

After riding on Australian roads for some years you develop a sixth sense for an approaching Bogan driver who is prepared to drive off the road just to terrorize a person a bicycle. Don’t worry, they hate everybody. It’s just easier for them to be a coward when they are behind the wheel.

Riding along highway in the bike lane in a group of 10 cyclists when ute driver deliberately passes close, crossing into bike lane just ahead of group

Close call with a white ute on tight corners

A sane driver would have hit the brakes with oncoming traffic and no room to safely pass a cyclist but hey, no surprise that the selfish idiot who barged his way through was driving a shiny 4×4 twat machine. I thought I was too far to the left of the lane. I immediately moved further to the centre of the lane and you can see the next driver did an almost text book pass. Next time, will be toward the centre lane in this section, to force motorists to wait behind or overtake fully in the next lane. Too many drivers still can’t be trusted to overtake lawfully.

Close pass by the first ute driver who gave less than 1.5m in a 70km/hr zone.
Why can’t all drivers change lanes to pass, like the first and third drivers in the clip? Its simple, its easy, its already standard driver practice. Who on earth, when outside of a motor vehicle, would want another motor vehicle to be driven as close a metre @ 60km/hr to their fragile bodies? Its ludicrous!!
Mandating drivers change lanes to pass a cyclist is what a govt would do if they had respect for the lives of those travelling outside of a motor vehicle. ONLY asking drivers to give as little as 1.0m space in 60km/hr zone or 1.5m in zone above 60km/hr when passing a person on a bike is what a govt mandates when they don’t care very much for those travelling by bike.