intentional close pass

While returning home on my ride i signaled left and started to move to left turning lane when a lady in a KIA decided to pass and barely missed me.

At around 6:13:57am of 15 Apr 2024 along Seaworld Drive, this black SUV overtook me while riding my bike, There was an island and only meant for one (1) vehicle. The driver of this SUV compromised our safety due to his impatience for not observing the required 1 meter distance before overtaking someone on the bike.

At around 6:13:58 along Seaworld Drive before the crossing, this black SUV Hyundai overtook even it was only meant for one (1) vehicle not leaving enough distance for me while on my bike.

The driver had no time to wait, about 50 meters to the right turn…

An impatient DX Lorry driver squeezes past me uphill, leaving only 2-3ft gap at best.
He crosses the middle white line when passing, and gets a justified horn blast from drivers coming down the hill in the opposite direction.
Totally unnecessary, complete a*se.

The driver of this white Ford Pickup truck passed me as close as possible and flipped me the bird after passing me.