Tight, windy country road with little, if any shoulder. With no on-coming traffic, an aggressive SUV driver takes illegal pass (state minimum is 3 feet). For some reason he felt it necessary to stop in the middle of the road, get out of his vehicle, and confront me for yelling and flipping him off. He was operating a lethal weapon and I’m just glad I did not also have a lethal weapon…
Incident type: Close pass/Bad driving
Any incident where a vehicle moves in close proximity to a cyclist. Intentional or otherwise.
A motorist drives through a sidewalk bike crossing without slowing down for cyclist. The alert cyclist swerves to avoid collision.
Was riding South on Highway 22 from Cochrane. Oncoming truck decided to pass very aggressively
Gave more room to the parked car than the right of way cyclist – go figure!
This truck driver had no intension of waiting for it to be clear to pass. Dangerous and life threatening!
I, and all traffic, came to a stop to allow an emergency vehicle to enter traffic. Once it was clear, we all started to move. The Ford PIckup decided to pass me very close. Unfortunately, my Fly12 did not record what happened after they passed me. They came even closer and hugged the curb. Fortunately, they didn’t brake check me or roll coal. Just another person who does not know how big a Ford F-150 is.
It’s completely miserable weather and cautious driving is recommended.
1IAB123 however, demonstrates no such concern and ticks off number 30 by completely ignoring the lights and the people trying to cross.
This is a major pedestrian/bicycle access way between Hamilton Hill and South Beach.
There are loads of these red light incidents here, all at more or less the same spot. Lancashire Constabulary refuses to take action against them, and will ignore this report just like all the others. Time on the video is GMT
White Toyota minivan unsafely and rapidly passed 4 cyclists traveling in single file on Hwy 73 between the Evergreen Library and S Brook Forest Rd, Evergreen, CO