on the Principal shared path going north towards Powes st exit and a motorbike came head-on towards me at speed. not the normal type of traffic expected.

Almost causes a head on collision due to impatient over taking a cyclist. This is a different angle which shows the reg clearly

this Harley rider brushed my jersey sleeve when he deliberately cut as close as he could, passing our peloton
(I have rear vision too)

motorbike creeps up the bike lane and overtakes me on the wrong side to get past. rego number 1JS-722. can edit this with the Fly6 video.

motorbike creeps up the bike lane and overtakes me on the wrong side to get past. rego number 1JS-722

I was cycling 🚴‍♀️ on straight ahead approaching a T-Junction for traffic to turn to get on the neighbouring M90 motorway & a car, and a motorbike felt necessary to speed past me, jam on the brakes, and cut waiting in front of me to turn left. This was totally unnecessary, dangerous and selfish. 5 to 10 seconds more & they would have turned very very safely

Shame my Fly6 wasn’t recording. Scooter riders – electric or otherwise – have mirrors. But they don’t seem to use them. This driver had terrible situational awareness, and if I wasn’t alongside him, he would have cut me up.

In cycle lane when a moped decide to undertake a car in the lane next to me, just to get held up at the lights 50yards up the road

Motorbike uses bike lane