
When I approached, a pack of deer was feeding by the road. They began to run, trying to get away, but they ran closer to the road, before they turned and went into the safety of the woods and the adjacent golf coourse.

Deer sighted

The deer new I was coming.

Oh Deer!

Deer Crossing

Two deer on Sawdust Hill Road

Rapid deceleration upon sudden appearance of deer during rapid descent of Sawdust Hill Road

Bambi Stress Test

Just clipping along the trail and I heard something and then this nice deer just exploded about the brush in front of me. I’m not sure who was more startled by the encounter. Definitely better than the bat that hit me in the fact last year.

Close one with a deer.

“Deer in the headlights”

Deer on Keyport Road NE

Deer stopped to look at vulnerable road user’s extra bright daytime running lights before completing crossing the roadway

The Buck Stops Here… right on the bike path

Young Buck, but still a big one, standing right beside the bike path. Saw him with plenty of time so I could slow down and approach cautiously. Was actually about to come to a full stop because I didn’t want to get any closer when he took off into the brush along the trail Beautiful animal and hope it is okay in our suburban environment.

Deer Drafts

Mountain biking with the deer at Knob Hill trail