Why wait? There’s enought room to squeeze pass

2 years ago...more

On a straight section of road I believe the driver approaching me from behind had plenty of time to see the oncoming car and slow down before overtaking and giving me the required distance of 1.5m in a 100k zone. Instead the driver decided to squeeze pass me and the oncoming vehicle. It appeared to me that the driver of the red Holden was watching my reaction in their rear vision mirror after passing close to me, for, as I pointed to Fly12 on the front of my bike the driver sounded his horn several times, which I felt was indication of their disrespect for a cyclist. I have taken this video to the local police.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
20/01/2022 09:36AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Penrose Road, Bundanoon New South Wales 2579, Australia