tan sedan CA plate 6ANC336 passed within a foot of my handlebars heading West on McKinley.mp4

2 years ago...more

The driver had plenty of room to give me the bare minimum of three feet, but instead he did a slow swerve at me that I watched in my helmet mirror, getting within a foot of hitting my handlebars. I instinctively took my left hand off my handlebars anticipating the car colliding with me. I also have footage from the back, showing my quite bright back light was operating properly. I caught up with this negligent driver at a red light where I got a clear view of his plate.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
12/12/2021 07:01PM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
East Mckinley Avenue, Fresno, California 93703, United States