Same car, one inconsiderate pass, one downright nasty (DF69 YBW)

1 year ago...more

Sunday morning ride, approaching traffic lights and parked cars on the left, with oncoming traffic, DF69 YBW decides to overtake. OK, not the wisest move.
Cycling buddy casually filters on the left to take lead position for traffic lights.
100m up the road, DF69 YBW decides to pull out on a hill brow and then they either deliberately revenge pass with oncoming traffic, or they panic and do a very close pass due to the oncoming traffic. Cycling buddy has to take action to prevent a direct hit from DF69 YBW.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
29/01/2023 11:05AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Crewe Road, Wheelock, Sandbach, CW11 3RJ, United Kingdom