Prius cuts me off

2 years ago...more

First ride with Cycliq cameras. I was rolling downhill in my own neighborhood. Since the subjective car was slower, I got closer and closer. Eventually I entered a bike lane and was riding almost next to him. Obviously, all this time the driver did not look in the mirrors because otherwise he'd know I was approaching him. I tried to pass him but he was riding the brake, so I was afraid he'd do something unexpected. Sure enough, few seconds later, puts on the turn signal last second , crosses my lane without looking and cuts me off as a result. His maneuver just shows that he was oblivious to my presence on the road. If I didn't anticipate it, I'd crash into his car. Stuff like this happens to me almost every week. Thank you Cycliq for having my back!


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
22/06/2022 11:11AM
Incident type
Close call
Location of incident
Terra Nova Boulevard, Pacifica, California 94044, United States