Please share the road

2 years ago...more

I am new at this so don't know how to fix the time stamp on the footage, but it actually happened today Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022, around lunchtime. A beautiful fall day, a good time to ride my bike for a few things from the store, road not busy at all, plus it's two lanes of travel in each direction, but one driver seemed to think only cars should have a right to use it. He slowed down to yell at me through the passenger window--Fortunately I could hear him slowing so it didn't startle me so much as to make me lose control. Riding on the sidewalk in this location is terrible, plus there is a nearby home for disadvantaged elderly people who are often walking on the sidewalk. Why shouldn't I be able to use the road? There isn't time to move around me? Really?

I have to mount my camera to a backpack so it's not at the best angle--will need to work on that.


Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
24/09/2022 11:30AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23225, United States