dark SUV honks aggressively where there is room to pass North on Van Ness – Calif. plate 8VFE816

Fresno, United States

26 Jan, 2025 - 3 weeks ago - on North Van Ness Boulevard

Aggressive honking is only okay if you are goose. Otherwise, you need to knock it off.

After following me through up this street full of people walking and riding bikes for quite some time, this driver leaned on their horn and passed in an intersection in order to get to a stop sign. There are so many nearby roads that allow for high speed traffic, but this clearly is not one of them.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
26/01/2025 11:52AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
North Van Ness Boulevard, Fresno, California 93704, United States