Close pass with confrontational driver

7 months ago in Helotes, United States

Shoulder closed for construction (unsafe surface with dried mud, debris, nails, etc). I was occupying the right most side of the right most lane, per Texas law. Driver had the left lane to move into, but chose to pass within 3 ft. of me. He then pulled over, exited his vehicle, entered the active roadway, on foot, and yelled as I passed. Police officer was just over the hill. I immediately reported the incident. He tracked down the driver and explained the danger of his actions. Case logged, but no further action. Note, date stamp/time on the video is incorrect. It did not correctly update from a ride the prior week. Correct date time is May 10, 2024, approximately 11am. License plate confirmed as JSX1409 TX.

Incident location

Incident details

Date of incident
10/05/2024 11:00AM
Incident type
Close pass/Bad driving
Location of incident
Bandera Road, Helotes, Texas 78023, United States